Sunday, 30 December 2012

QTP interview questions

1. What is QTP ?
2. What is Session ?
3. What are Add-ins ?
4. What are cookies ?
5. What is GetRoProperty ?
6. What is SetToProperty ?
7. What is Step Generator ?
8. What is Text checkpoint ?
9. What are Virtual Objects ?
10. What is an Optional Step ?
11. What is Analog recording ?
12. What is Object Spy in QTP ?
13. What is Test Fusion Report ?
14. what is keyword driventest ?
15. How to debugging your test ?
16. Explain QTP Testing process ?
17. How to check Bitmaps in QTP ?
18. How to test a date with QTP ?
19. What are limitations of QTP ?
20. What is data driven testing ?
21. What is database check point ?
22. What is Reporter.ReportEvent ?
23. What is smart Identification ?
24. What is Parameterizing Tests ?
25. How to schedule tests in QTP ?
26. How to Test XML pages in QTP ?
27. What is Automation framework ?
28. What are the datatypes in QTP ?
29. How does QTP identify objects ?
30. What is QTP batch testing tool ?
31. What is action conversion Tool ?
32. What is keyword driven testing ?
33. What is descriptive programming ?
34. Where do checkpoints get stored ?
35. What is meant by Source Control ?
36. What is the cost of QTP license ?
37. How to export object repository ?
38. How to handle exceptions in QTP ?
39. What is Accessibility Checkpoint ?
40. What is test object model in QTP ?
41. What is logical name of the object
42. How to Turn Off QTP test results ?
43. How to analyzing QTP test results ?
44. How QTP recognizes Objects in AUT ?
45. How to declare a variables in QTP ?
46. What is the latest version of QTP ?
47. What is Object Spy ? How to Use it ?
48. What you do if QTP license expires ?
49. Which environments supported by QTP ?
50. How to connect to database from QTP ?
51. How to comment block of code in QTP ?
52. How to change name of a checkpoint ?
53. When to use analog recording in qtp ?
54. How will you handle Java tree in QTP ?
55. How can you handle exceptions in QTP ?
56. How to handle dynamic objects in QTP ?
57. What are environment variables in QTP ?
58. How to update database table from QTP ?
59. How do you setup QTP test environment ?
60. How do we record a pop up window in QTP
61. How to develop Test Frame work for QTP ?
62. What is meant by external files in QTP ?
63. What is the use of Regular Expressions ?
64. How to reporting defects in QC from QTP ?
65. How to test dynamic web pages using QTP ?
66. How to import data for data driven test ?
67. How to check for broken links using QTP ?
68. How can we mask data in QTP script file ?
69. What are check points ? Why we need them ?
70. How to test a stored procedure using QTP ?
71. How to record non-standard object in QTP ?
72. What is the limitation of XML Checkpoint ?
73. When should we use virtual object wizard ?
74. How to test flash applications using QTP ?
75. How to add a page checkpoint to your test ?
76. How to write QTP test results to an Excel ?
77. What are the environments supported by QTP ?
78. What is difference between stub and driver ?
79. How many types of Actions are there in QTP ?
80. How to connect to Oracle database from QTP ?
81. How to make QTP recognise activeX controls ?
82. How to check size of the object repository ?
83. How to record Flex (1.0) objects using QTP ?
84. What is keyword view and Expert view in QTP ?
85. What is recovery manager ? Explain in detail.
86. What factors that affect bitmap checkpoints ?
87. How many types of recording are there in QTP ?
88. How do you test oracle application using qtp ?
89. How do you test oracle application using qtp ?
90. What is the scope of a variable in an action ?
91. How to add run-time parameter to a datasheet ?
92. Explain keyword “CreateObject” with an example
93. How to call winrunner script from QTP script ?
94. What will you do to record Java objects in QTP?
95. How to execute qtp script from command prompt ?
96. What is the file extension test script in QTP ?
97. What are the different loops supported in QTP ?
98. How to call from one action to another action ?
99. How to return value from userdefined function ?
100. What is the file extension of function library ?
101. What are different types of Checkpoints in QTP ?
102. How to create dynamic object repository in QTP ?
103. How to write script without using a GUI in QTP ?
104. How to perform cross browser testing using QTP ?
105. Where is the bitmap chekpoint information saved ?
106. How to perform cross platform testing using QTP ?
107. How would you connect to database using vbscript ?
108. How to perform Test Automation feasibility study ?
109. What is the difference between Winrunner and QTP ?
110. What is the difference between VB and VBScripting ?
111. Does QuickTest Professional (QTP) support Unicode ?
112. How to validate dates like today’s date(02/15/06) ?
113. What are the scripting languages supported by QTP ?
114. How to supress warnings from the Test results page ?
115. Explain in brief about QTP Automation Object Model ?
116. What is the use of function and sub function in QTP ?
117. What is the function for loading a repository in QTP ?
118. What are the different types object repository in QTP ?
119. What are the different ways you can enhance QTP script ?
120. Explain about Smart Identification with a simple example
121. How to execute a Parameterized SQL query in QTP script ?
122. How to call a funtion present in dll from a QTP Script ?
123. How is run time data (Parameterization) handled in QTP ?
124. What are the different types of recording modes in QTP ?
125. What is a Run-Time Data Table ? How to view this table ?
126. Have you have used a COM interface in your QTP project ?
127. What is the maximum number of actions supported in QTP ?
128. What are the different dubugging modes available in QTP ?
129. What are the different ways to parameterize data in QTP ?
130. What is the significance of keywords Public and Private ?
131. Can you launch two instances of QTP on the same machine ?
132. What is the difference between qtp script and vb script ?
133. Give one example where you have used Regular Expression ?
134. How to pass parameters from one action to another action ?
135. what is the regular expression for date format of ddmmyy ?
136. How to close all the opened browsers by using QTP script ?
137. What is the Hotkey that can be used for Hitting spacebar ?
138. How can i add a action (external action) programatically ?
139. How to Save your test using QuickTest Professional (QTP) ?
140. How to break a test if one of the bitmap-checkpoint fails ?
141. What is action split and the purpose of using this in QTP ?
142. What are the Features and Benefits of Quick Test Pro(QTP) ?
143. How to open a new test using QuickTest Professional (QTP) ?
144. How to get Class name of a Test Object at run time in QTP ?
145. What are the different types of Test Automation Frameworks ?
146. Will QTP recognize objects in applications like Photo-Shop ?
147. What are the different VBScript function that you have used ?
148. How to pass parameters from one test to another test in QTP ?
149. What is the difference between check point and output value ?
150. What is the difference between functions and actions in QTP ?
151. How would you export a Script from one PC to another in QTP ?
152. What is the extension of script and object repository files ?
153. Which of the check points can be inserted without recording ?
154. How to call external aand built-in-function in a QTP script ?
155. How to find out if a application window is minimized or not ?
156. Which scripting language used by QuickTest Professional (QTP) ?
157. What is the difference between Call to Action and Copy Action ?
158. What is difference between window(” “) and dialog(” “) in QTP ?
159. Which is better Keyword driven testing or Data driven testing ?
160. What are the types of qtp licenses ? Explain each of them briefly
161. What is the default delay time for web based application in QTP ?
162. How to get class name of test object by repository logical name ?
163. How to load the *.vbs or test generating script in a new machine ?
164. How to choose scripting language between JavaScript and VBScript ?
165. Different ways of adding check points to an application using QTP ?
166. Can we record an application running on a remote machine using QTP ?
167. What are different execution modes available in QTP & explain them ?
168. What is the Diff between Image check-point and Bit map Check point ?
169. How to count number of columns of a database table from QTP script ?
170. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Virtual object wizard ?
171. What is the difference detween text and Textarea checkpoints in QTP ?
172. If you were given thousand tests to executed in 3 days what do u do ?
173. How to handle the exceptions using recovery scenario manager in QTP ?
174. What does it mean when a check point is in red color ? what do u do ?
175. What is difference between Analog recording and low level recording ?
176. Is there any function to double click a particular row in a webtable ?
177. What is the use of Text output value in QuickTest Professional (QTP) ?
178. Can we call a QTP script from a main script without making it reusable ?
179. How to insert a check point to a image to check enable property in QTP ?
180. What are the coding standards that you have used for automation using QTP ?
181. How can i import and/or merge an existing repository into my current test ?
182. How to get a text from a list box,a cell from a table,and edit a text box ?
183. What is the difference between test fusion reports and test results in QTP ?
184. What is the difference between Shared Repository and Per Action Repository ?
185. When there are repeatable steps in multiple scripts, what do you do in QTP ?
186. What to do if the tree view of the application is not recognised by the QTP ?
187. How to open notepad without recording nor by running SystemUtil.Run command ?
188. What are the new features available in QTP 11 compared with earlier versions ?
189. What is the difference between debug modes (Stepinto, Stepout, and Stepover) ?
190. During test run option “Run from Step” is not launching browswer window, why ?
191. What are compiled modules ? What is your experience in writing compiled module ?
192. What is synchronization ? What is its relevance with respect to automated tests ?
193. During test execution if error occurs, how to find the object that caused error ?
194. What is the use of command tab in Debug viewer ? Can we execute user defined queries
195. How to change the Object Repository Mode at run time ? i.e., from Shared to PerAction.
196. What are the advantages and disadvantages of global data sheet and local action sheet ?
197. How can an object from a per action repository be called to another per action repository ?
198. What is the size limit for shared object repository ? What would you do if limit is exceeded ?
199. What are the 10 QTP functions that you have frequently ? Explain each of the functions briefly.
200. What are the advantages and disdavantages of shared object repository and per action repository ?
201. What are the challenges you faced with test automation using QTP ? How did you overcome challenges ?
202. How to run multiple instances of an application and how to differentiate 2 instances via QTP script ?
203. How to select particular value from a combo box in current page that was entered in the previous page ?
204. Winrunner and QTP are 2 test automation tools and now from the same company ? Why 2 tools from same company ?
205. Is it possible to change from Shared Object Repository to Per Action Repository and vice verse ? If yes how ?
206. What would be your approach to test a page that displays random questions and s change the order of display ?
207. When tests are run as batch, QTP shows results for last action only, so how to get results for each action of every script ?
208. Do you have any experience in test automation for SAP ? If yes, what are the challenges you faced and how you overcame them ?
209. What are the differences in exception handling between QTP and winrunner ? Which tool provides better exception handling facility ?
210. Do you have any experience in test automation for Mainframe ? If yes, what are the challenges you faced and how you overcame them ?
211. Incase Global Data sheet contains 0 (zero) records and Local Datasheet contains 4 rows of data. How many times will the test iterate ?
212. On trying to record report generation, report is opened in a new window but QTP does not recognize new window at run time, how to make it work ?
213. How to recognize Flex objects using QTP ? When script is recorded, it takes all objects as winobjects whether they are checkboxes or hyperlinks ?
214. External data is imported to datatable of QTP at run time. In this case, how to set number of iterations for first 10% of the rows in the datatable only, how do we set that in run time ?
215. How to instruct QTP to display errors and ther description in the test results instead of halting execution by throwing error in the mid of execution due to an error(for example Object not found) ?
216. How to identify an object from a list of objects that are dynamically generated ? For e.g. on entering 5 in a text box and clicking “Go” button, 5 Dropdown boxes are displayed. How to select value from a particular dropbox ?

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