Working with Excel Sheets - create, open, modify, save, close!!
Getting value from an existing excel sheet Dim oExcel, oWB, oSheet, getVal Set oExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set oWB=oExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:\sri.xls") Set oSheet=oWB.WorkSheets("Sheet1") oExcel.Visible=TRUE getVal=oSheet.Cells(1,1).Value print getVal oWB.Close Set oExcel=Nothing Inserting value to an existing excel sheet Dim oExcel, oWB, oSheet, setVal Set oExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set oWB=oExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:\sri.xls") Set oSheet=oWB.WorkSheets("Sheet1") oExcel.Visible=TRUE setVal="ValueInserted" oSheet.Cells(4,1).Value=setVal print getVal oWB.Save oWB.Close Set oExcel=Nothing Create a new excel sheet, insert values and save it.. Dim oExcel, oWB, oSheet, setVal Set oExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set oWB=oExcel.Workbooks.Add Set oSheet=oWB.WorkSheets("Sheet1") oExcel.Visible=TRUE setVal="ValueInserted" oSheet.Cells(4,1).Value=setVal print getVal oWB.SaveAs("C:\sri.xls") oWB.Close Set oExcel=NothingWorking with Excel Sheets - Add new sheetThis code demonstrate how to add new sheet to existing excel file and rename it at runtimeDim oExcel, oWB,oSheet, getValSet oExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application")oExcel.visible=TrueoExcel.DisplayAlerts= False 'this will not allow alerts to be displayedSet oWB=oExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:\sri.xls")Set oSheet1=oWB.Sheets.Add 'a new sheet is added with default name i.e.Sheet4 etc.oSheet1.Name="QTPSchools" 'rename newly added sheetoSheet1.cells(1,1).value="Welcome" 'enter valueoWB.SaveoWB.CloseSet oExcel=NothingUsing excel sheet as database table
Excel sheet can be used as a database for the parameterization purpose. Following code demonstrate how to connect and consider excel sheet as database table.This might be usefull while working with databases. You can export database table into excel (one time) and then work on excel as database.Dim objCon, objRecordSet, strExlFile, colCount, row, i Set objCon = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set objRecordSet =CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") strExlFile = "C:\abhikansh.xls" objCon.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Excel Driver(*.xls)};DBQ=" &strExlFile & ";Readonly=True" strSQLStatement = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet2$]" objRecordSet.Open strSQLStatement, objCon 'create recordset colCount = objRecordSet.Fields.count 'No of columns in the table While objRecordSet.EOF=false row="" For i=0 to colCount-1 row=row&" "& objRecordSet.fields(i) Next Print row objRecordSet.moveNext Wend Set objRecordSet = Nothing objCon.Close Set objCon = NothingScreen-shots of sample excel and output are following-
Following code demonstrate how to count number of rows inExcel without opening it - using vbscipt in QTP.Set objExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application")Set objWB=objExcel.WorkBooks.Open("C:\abc.xls")Set objSheet=objWB.WorkSheets(1)msgbox objSheet.usedrange.rows.countSet objExcel=Nothing1)Find the 'String' from excel sheet and save to another sheet.But wedon't know the string column number and row number?Option explicitDim exo, wbo, wso1, wso2, nor, noc, i, j, x, y'Open a Excel fileSet exo=CreateObject("excel.application")exo.Visible=trueSet wbo=exo.Workbooks.Open("C:\sample.xls")Set wso1=wbo.Worksheets("sheet1")Set wso2=wbo.Worksheets("sheet2")nor=wso1.usedrange.rows.countnoc=wso1.usedrange.columns.count'Varifying excel sheet stringsFor i=1 to nor step 1For j=1 to noc step 1x=wso1.cells(i,j)x=cstr(x)If strcomp(x,"Testing")=0 Thenwso2.cells(1,1)=xEnd IfNextNext'Close excel s/w and Destroy the objectsexo.QuitSet wso1=NothingSet wso2=NothingSet wbo=NothingSet exo=Nothing
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